Want to save yourself some money?

Want to save yourself some money?

“Do You Want to Save Money”

It takes courage to “Quit Smoking” “Stop Smoking” be a “Non Smoker” & it may not be an easy journey. But it’s a brave & sensible choice. Some of the positive changes will happen quickly, while others will be more gradual,but all the changes will benefit your “Health & Wellbeing”. “Save Money” have your “Health” get your “Life” back!!
It is possible & i will offer you the support for as long as is necessary.

Everything to gain nothing to lose

Everything to gain nothing to lose

Do you want to STOP smoking?
Do YOU KNOW anyone that would BENEFIT from Quitting?
To be good at something the saying is that you need to have passion. @hypnosishelpsme we have passion lots of it and for a very good reason.
This is why we have a unique “Quit Smoking” program,introduced by me specifically for the smoker and “Hypnosis” is just a part of that process.
In loving memory of my parents who both died way to young from smoking related diseases.
Who never had the opportunity to meet their grandchildren or great grandchild.
I would like them to know that I am here doing good work xx.
And will continue to do so as long as I am able to,assisting & empowering those that want to Quit Smoking. #relayforlife #youcanquit #youcandoit #breathfree #breathbetter #healthier #life #lifeisgood #respect #respectyourself #yourbody #hope #doitforyou #family #live #love #like4like #followback #quitsmoking #lovingmemory #parents #neverforgotten #doinggoodwork #doinggood #thankyou #haveaniceday #hugs

Why we smoked

Why we smoked

When we are in our teens we are often in a hurry to reach adulthood.
We project ourselves the way we would like to be seen,as adults. We don’t like to be seen or thought of as a child but at the same time we lack the confidence & experience to be a complete adult.
So we look for ways to affirm this. So it was accepted that adults smoke!
And we reject anything but that which we aspire to become.
Tobacco companies are/were well aware of the habitual nature of tobacco and they targeted young people accordingly,portraying heroic figures as enjoying the pleasures and riches with success that attracts that beautiful woman or handsome man.
And at this age fantasy is mistaken for reality & we are naive and gullible.
And any suggestions it may become a habit seems absurd.
The harsh reality is that we are to young to be wise and to old to be told.
If you are interested in learning more and are prepared to do what it takes to quit and are completely committed then please contact us.
Hypnosis is but just a part of the process we use in assisting you in quitting,we have a chemical and drug free “Quit Smoking” program that is unique. We offer coaching and support designed and tailored to suit you enabling YOU to empower yourself,and in doing so you become accountable and consciously aware of your smoking,this brings awareness and the ability to QUIT.
We also offer a support page after you have quit.
Within 20 mins of “Quitting Smoking” your body begins a series of changes that continues for years.
Your blood becomes less thick&sticky increasing blood flow.
The risk of heart attack decreases.
Smell&taste is enhanced&nerve endings start to regrow.
Your bronchial tubes will relax,making breathing easier.
And your wallet/purse becomes fuller.
These are just but a few of the many benefits that you can expect from quitting,not to mention the possibility that you may just save you&your loved ones heartbreak latter on.
Thank you

“Hypnosis” a little “History”

“Hypnosis” a little “History”

SOME people may misunderstand Hypnosis. 

Hypnosis is as old as the human race. The phenomenon known as hypnosis has existed since the beginning of recorded history as found in folklore of ancient cultures. In ancient times as well as in primitive tribes of today. 

It has been &continues to be associated with religious ceremonies,magic,the supernatural and the occult. The ancient Egyptians& Greeks had dream centres where people came to fast&pray with the hope there dreams could become interpreted so as to solve their problems & give them guidance. 

And under these circumstances their dreams were probably hypnotically induced. 

And even today Hindu medicine men practice ageless forms & variations of hypnosis for healing forms. 

Magicians in the time of Genghis Khan practiced group suggestion to obtain visual and auditory hallucinations. 

And according to Marco Polo medieval men used hypnosis in mystic rites,to produce fear & to intensify beliefs in the supernatural & occult. 

And with this long history of supernaturalism & mysticism,it is no wonder that the general publics attitude towards hypnosis has been & still is one of misunderstanding,antagonism & fear.

On our page I have an article written titled “Hypnosis is” you may find this informative as it goes towards to some extent in demystifying hypnosis. The mind is like a parachute it will only work when it is open.